Cleaning Your Wheatgrass Juicer

How To Grow WheatGrass – Growing Instructions

WheatGrass Health Benefits

Harvesting and Storing Wheatgrass

Juicing and Drinking Wheatgrass

Cleaning Your Wheatgrass Juicer

cleaning maintaining wheatgrass juicer

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Most wheatgrass juicers come apart (as pictired above) to enable you to thoroughly clean your juicer. Cleaning the juicer after use is important.

wheatgrass juicer cleaning

Do not use the juicer after the juicer sits for more than one hour after juicing. Some of the wheatgrass roughage and juice stays in the juicer and will begin to break-down (will become rotten) and therefore compromise the quality of your next juicing session.
I clean my washable juicer parts after each use with warm or cold water and dry completely. Once a month I soak the washable parts overnight in a mild dish detergent and then rinse thoroughly and let completely dry before the next use.