Summer Heat – The Silent Killer

BY Rebecca White-Martin

Human bodies dissipate heat by varying the rate and depth of blood circulation, by losing water through the skin and sweat glands,and as a last resort—by panting, when blood is heated above 98.6 degrees. The heart begins to pump more blood, blood vessels dilate to accommodate the increased flow, and the bundles of tiny capillaries threading through the upper layers of skin are put into operation. The body’s blood is circulated closer to the skin’s surface, and excess heat drains off into the cooler atmosphere. At the same time, water diffuses through the skin as perspiration. The skin handles about 90 percent of the body’s heat dissipating function.

Summer heat help

Do not over do it in the summer heat.

Sweating, by itself, does nothing to cool the body, unless the water is removed by evaporation, and high relative humidity slows evaporation. The evaporation process itself works this way: the heat energy required to evaporate the sweat is extracted from the body, thereby cooling it. Under conditions of high temperature (above 90 degrees) and high relative humidity, the body is doing everything it can to maintain 98.6 degrees inside. The heart is pumping a lot of blood through dilated circulatory vessels; the sweat glands are pouring liquid, including essential dissolved chemicals, like sodium and chloride onto the surface of the skin.

One of the biggest weather hazards that affects our region during the summer is heat. Many people do not realize how deadly heat can be. In contrast to the visible, destructive, and violent nature of floods and tornadoes, heat is a “silent killer”. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that an average of 350 people die each year due to the effects of heat.
A heat wave is a period of excessive heat lasting 2 days or more that can lead to illnesses in people with prolonged exposure to these conditions. High humidity, which often accompanies heat in our region, can make the effects of heat even more harmful.

While heat related illnesses and death can occur with exposure to heat in just one
afternoon, heat stress on the body does have a cumulative effect.
How the National Weather Service alerts you to extreme heat conditions:
The National Weather Service in Paducah will highlight heat indices at or above 100 degrees in its forecasts. Whenever the heat index is forecast to be at least 105
degrees, a Heat Advisory will be issued.

Whenever the heat index is forecast to be at least 110 degrees for at least 2 days, an Excessive Heat Warning will be issued.
The National Weather Service, as part of its mission for protecting life and property, has a measure of how the hot weather “feels” to the body. This table uses relative
humidity and temperature to produce the “apparent temperature” or the temperature the
body “feels” or what we call the Heat Index value. These values are for shady locations only.

Exposure to full sunshine can increase heat index values by up to 15°F. Also, strong winds, particularly with very hot, dry air, can be extremely hazardous as the wind adds heat to the body. The Heat Index Chart is below.

Heat Wave Safety Tips
– Slow down. Strenuous activities should be reduced, eliminated, or rescheduled to the
coolest time of the day. Individuals at risk should stay in the coolest available place, not necessarily indoors.
– Dress for summer. Lightweight light-colored clothing reflects heat and sunlight, and helps your body maintain normal temperatures.
– Cover all exposed skin with a high SPF sun screen, and wear a wide brimmed hat to protect your face and head.
– Drink plenty of water or other non-alcoholic fluids. Drink plenty of fluids even if you don’t feel thirsty. Avoid coffee and tea because they contain caffeine, which increases water loss through urination. Alcoholic drinks also dehydrate by increasing urination. Soda and fruit juices contain more sugar than needed, so they aren’t absorbed as easily or quickly as water or commercial sports drinks. Eat frequent small, lower protein meals (fruits, vegetables & salads).
– Spend more time in air conditioned places. Air conditioning in homes and other buildings markedly reduces danger from the heat. If you cannot afford an air conditioner, spending some time each day (during hot weather) in an air conditioned environment affords some protection. Keep your electric fans running.
– Don’t get too much sun. Sunburn makes the job of heat dissipation that much more difficult.
– Check on the elderly, infants, young children and people with chronic health problems or disabilities. They are more vulnerable to the effects of heat.
– Keep pets indoors, or provide them with shade and plenty of cool water. Refill their water bowls frequently.
– Do not leave pets, or anyone else, in a closed, parked vehicle.

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information. is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentists and alternative, organic & holistic health, fitness and sports professionals in the Treasure Coast Florida areas of Martin County, Palm Beach County, Saint Lucie County and Indian River County. “Healthy Martin, working together for better health choices for you, your family and friends”.

Coconut Oil for Better Health

BY Rebecca White-MartinCoconut Oil

Unrefined virgin coconut oil is now available in many health food stores. I always try to purchase coconut oil that is not chemically treated and is trans-fat free. The main saturated fat in virgin coconut oil is lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid that can help increase levels of HDL (good cholesterol).
Lauric acid, as a component of triglycerides, comprises about half of the fatty acid content in coconut oil, laurel oil, and palm kernel oil (not to be confused with palm oil). Otherwise, it is relatively uncommon. It is also found in human breast milk (6.2% of total fat), cow’s milk, and goat’s milk.

Based on the above findings, it would make sense to use coconut oil in meal preparations instead of canola oil.

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information. is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentists and alternative, organic & holistic health, fitness and sports professionals in the Treasure Coast Florida areas of Martin County, Palm Beach County, Saint Lucie County and Indian River County. “Healthy Martin, working together for better health choices for you, your family and friends”.

Get Protein Without Eating Meat

BY Rebecca White-Martin, a Your Health & Wellness Magazine contributor:

Meat, dairy, and fish generally have higher quantities of protein but many plant based sources contain decent amounts of protein as well, and some even offer complete protein and contain all the amino acids your body needs to function properly.
The USDA suggests men aim for 56 grams of protein a day and women go for 46 grams. So whether you’re vegetarian or just trying to cut down on your meat intake, check out these delicious options for protein that are plant-based.

1. Buckwheat – 6 grams of protein per 6 oz. cup serving – about 155 calories
Nutritious and full of energy, buckwheat is available throughout the year and can be served as an alternative to rice or made into porridge.
Buckwheat is not a cereal grain, it is actually a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel making it a suitable substitute for grains for people who are sensitive to wheat or other grains that contain protein glutens.

Hemp Seeds Protein Food

Hemp Seeds Protein Food

2. Hemp Seeds – 10 grams of protein per 2 tablespoon serving – about 80 calories
Contains amounts of all nine essential amino acids, as well as plenty of magnesium, zinc, iron, and calcium. They’re also a rare vegan source of essential fatty acids, like omega-3s, which can help fight depression.

3. Quinoa – 8 grams of protein per 1 cup serving, cooked – about 230 calories
A food so healthy that NASA hopes we’ll grow it on interplanetary space flights, quinoa looks a lot like couscous, but it’s way more nutritious. Full of fiber, iron, magnesium, and manganese, quinoa is a terrific substitute for rice and it’s versatile enough to make muffins, fritters, cookies, and breakfast casseroles. Filling and high in fiber, it also offers iron and magnesium. Add quinoa to vegetarian chili, or serve with fruit, nuts, and a little honey or pure maple syrup as a hot breakfast treat.

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information. is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentists and alternative, organic & holistic health, fitness and sports professionals in the Treasure Coast Florida areas of Martin County, Palm Beach County, Saint Lucie County and Indian River County. “Healthy Martin, working together for better health choices for you, your family and friends”.

ASK LIZ? – Weight Loss & Diabetes!

BY Liz Perry

Q: Is it true that 2/3 of American are overweight?
A. Yes, Right now almost 2/3 of Americans are overweight! By 2030 more than half our population may be clinically obese.

Q. Are our children and grandchildren at risk?
A. Yes. Childhood obesity has tripled and most children will grow up to be obese as well. The United States may be in the midst of raising the first generation since our nation’s founding that will have a shorter predicted life span than that of the previous one.

Q. Does exercise play a role in weight loss?
A. Yes, but not enough. The food industry blames American obesity on inactivity, claiming Americans don’t do enough exercise. It may be true that Americans don’t do enough exercise, but that in itself does not explain or justify the amount of overweight Americans, “the increase of obesity can be explained mostly by overconsumption of calories alone”.
Exercise can prevent weight gain but you would have to do a lot of it. Studies actually show that Americans have increased the amount of exercise they do, yet the amount of overweight Americans has significantly increased.

weight loss and diabetes

Weight Loss and Diabetes

Q. Why don’t we lose more weight from exercise?
A. Part of it is that we don’t get enough. A 1% decrease in BMI nationwide would prevent thousands of cases of diabetes alone. People tend to overestimate the amount of calories that are burned from exercise.

Q. Does sexual activity cause weight loss?
A. Yes, but not enough. The average bout of sexual activity only lasts about 6 minutes, so a young man may burn 21 calories, which may burn 1 french fry worth of food intake.

Q. IS exercise good for us?
A. Absolutely, yes – getting your heart rate up is important to the health of your body. When we move, our blood moves, and it keeps what is known as our endothelium healthy. A healthy endothelium allows our body’s own natural pharmacy to heal itself in most cases.

Q. So, are you saying that it’s important to exercise, but one must cut calories to lose weight?
A. Yes, studies show that obesity in the U.S. is primarily from consuming too many calories. In the 1980’s major food companies began to replace sugar with high fructose corn syrup. This is a problem because you eat and you don’t get full, even though you are consuming beaucoup calories!

Q. What kind of food contains high fructose corn syrup?
A. Just about everything! It seems nearly everything contains high fructose corn syrup including tomato sauce, salad dressing, soda, many sports drinks, breads, breakfast cereals, ketchup, miracle whip, cough syrups, crackers, some yogurts, ice cream, cookies, cakes and much, much more. You must read the food labels. Try to buy as much whole food as you can.
When you enter a grocery store, it’s best to shop for most of your foods on the perimeter of the store. Here you will find whole food nutrition. As a general rule most grocery stores put processed foods on the inside isles.

Q. Are plant based diets good for diabetes?
A. Yes – there is a 78% lower prevalence of diabetes when eating a plant-based diet. This is based on a study of 89,000 people for over 50 years.

Is “Juice Plus” safe for a diabetic?
A. Yes – “Juice Plus” has been tested and scrutinized by Yale Medical School and other top academic and government sources worldwide. “Juice Plus” contains fruits and vegetables and is good to take daily instead of a multivitamin. Although “Juice Plus” has fruit in it, the sugar has been extracted. It is safe for a diabetic.

Liz Perry

Liz Perry – Your Health & Wellness Magazine Contributor

About the author, Liz Perry is a Treasure Coast Florida resident who is a Harvard Alumnus. Liz currently is a medical journalist, speaker and educator on disease prevention, national healthcare consultant with over two decades in the medical field.
Liz Gibbs (Perry), is a senior partner in Absolute Solutions International, Inc.
Please feel free to contact Liz with your questions or comments at

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information. is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentists and alternative, organic & holistic health, fitness and sports professionals in Martin County Florida, the Palm Beaches and the Treasure Coast. “Healthy Martin, working together for better health choices for you, your family and friends”.

ASK LIZ? Let’s Go Nuts!

BY Liz Perry

Q: Are Brazil Nuts good for me?
A. Yes, a single serving of Brazil Nuts may bring cholesterol levels of LDL and HDL down faster than statin drugs and keep cholesterol down even a month later after that single ingestion of just 4 nuts. Eat only 4 per month. More is NOT better.

Q. How long after you ingest the Brazil Nuts does your cholesterol go down?
A. Just 9 hours after eating the serving of just 4 Brazil Nuts, cholesterol went down an average of 20 points on the 10 individuals in the study and stayed down for over 30 days. Statin drugs usually take 4 days. Try It!

Q. OK, which nuts fight cancer better?

nuts for health

Nuts For Better Health

A. Within hours the blood of those fed walnuts is able to suppress the growth of breast cancer cells in a petri dish. Walnuts help to fight against cancer, NOT ONLY BREAST CANCER – ALL CANCERS. This study was done at Penn State.

Q. Do walnuts help protect us in other ways?
A. Studies show that consumption of walnuts improves endothelium function, along with healthy eating. Just eat about an ounce of walnuts a day.

Q. Which nuts might work best to fight cancer?
A. Walnuts and pecans took the first place ribbon, with the bronze going to peanuts! Studies showed just eating two cups of nuts per week can help prevent pancreatic cancer.

Q. Which fruits work best to prevent cancer?
A. Cranberries and lemon took the titles.

Q. What foods help prevent against fibrocystic breast disease?
A. Featured data from the Harvard Nurses Study shows that early nut consumption, by those eating more peanuts, nuts, beans, lentil, soybeans or corn, including those folks with a family history, are less likely to develop breast cancer.

Liz Perry

Liz Perry – Your Health & Wellness Magazine Contributor

About the author, Liz Perry is a Treasure Coast Florida resident who is a Harvard Alumnus. Liz currently is a medical journalist, speaker and educator on disease prevention, national healthcare consultant with over two decades in the medical field.
Liz Gibbs (Perry), is a senior partner in Absolute Solutions International, Inc.
Please feel free to contact Liz with your questions or comments at

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information. is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentists and alternative, organic & holistic health, fitness and sports professionals in Martin County Florida, the Palm Beaches and the Treasure Coast. “Healthy Martin, working together for better health choices for you, your family and friends”.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia – Learn How To Protect Your Brain

BY Liz Perry

Did you know that Alzheimer’s disease, which is a form of Dementia, is forecasted to grow over 400% by the year 2050 right here in America? So what is Dementia anyway? Dementia is the loss of mental functions including but not limited to: memory, decision-making, reasoning, thinking, and processing information. Not only does Dementia have a debilitating impact on over 5 million patients, their caretakers also suffer significantly in the process. Further, Dementia is the most expensive chronic disease in our country, and growing. At this moment, there are over 5 million people that have been diagnosed in America with some form of dementia.
Alzheimer’s  Disease and Dementia
There are many different types of dementia, including but not limited to, Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, temporal lobe dementia, and dementia with lewy bodies (DLB).
Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia, not the other way around. There are some good websites that can provide you with more detailed information on the types of dementias and their symptoms that are listed below. This article will concentrate more upon what you can do to reduce your own risk and possibly reverse or slow the progression of dementia in someone who already has it.
It is common that Alzheimer’s disease, along with other types of dementia, is often misdiagnosed. As we, as well as our parents continue to age, it is important to have an awareness of this, as well as some basic knowledge on what you can do to prevent and possibly even reverse dementia. The fact is many memory care units over drug the patient diagnosed with dementia with antipsychotic medications. Sometimes these are necessary. However, more often than not, physicians over prescribe antipsychotics to memory care patients. The outcome often is that the patient will behave more demented, due to the medication. This is not always the case, and medication may be necessary. Forward thinking doctors, such as Kevin O’Neal, Chief Medical Officer of Brookdale Senior Living, has made it a goal to decrease antipsychotics to less than 30%, whereas many memory care units have a near 70% usage of antipsychotics in their memory care units.

How do you reduce your risk for dementia?
How do you reduce your risk and protect your brain? This is the question we should all be asking ourselves. For many years we have been told that there is little we can do to prevent disease. The good news is we can indeed effectively reduce our risk for Dementia. Here are some ways we can do that.

Fruits & Veggies
Eat a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits, fresh berries, and fresh vegetables. It is important that you eat them each and every day. If you are not eating four different fruits and four different vegetables every single day, it is a good idea to add Juice Plus+ to your diet as an added protection.

Omega 3’s
Eat foods that provide the body with DHA and Omega 3 fatty acids, such as fresh wild salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel. Studies show Dementia is significantly reduced in individuals that have higher levels of DHA

Nuts, Seeds and Spices
Eat nuts such as almonds, cashews, and pecans, all of which contain Omega 3’s. Eat seeds, such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, which contain zinc, choline and vitamin E. Eat spices such as turmeric and cinnamon that dissemble brain plaque.

Physical Exercise & Mental Exercise
Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. It is important to get your heart rate pumping, which helps reduce plaque in your brain as well as your arteries. If you are limited by physical limitations, learn to do some deep breathing exercises while sitting, lying or standing. Keep the brain healthy by challenging yourself to do new and different memory games, puzzles, and mental exercises. Studies show that it is important to mix them up versus always doing crossword puzzles, for example.

Take 5 minutes in the morning, and 5 minutes before bed to be still, clear your mind, and imagine yourself in a desirable and peaceful place. Notice how you feel.
Sleep is important, as it is when the body naturally cleanses itself and all of its cells.


1. What is the best spice you can eat to create brain health and help to reduce your risk for Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease?
A. Black pepper
B. Cinnamon
C. Turmeric (correct answer)
D. Sage
India has the lowest rate of dementia of all nations of the world. In India they eat lots of Turmeric, which contains cucurmin, which is neurorestorative in nature, and is found in curry. You can sprinkle Turmeric on low fat yogurt, egg whites, salmon or virtually anything. Turmeric produces remarkable results in preventing and in some cases, reversing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

2. What food is not considered part of a brain healthy diet?
A. Kale
B. Blueberries
C. Pizza (correct answer)
D. Almonds
It is important to reduce the intake of foods high in saturated fats and high in bad cholesterol. They create plaque in your brain, not just in your arteries, which is commonly what leads to Dementia.

3. What is the best way to get physical exercise if you have physical limitation and are bound by a wheel chair?
A. Deep breathing exercises (correct answer)
B. Swim
C. Watch funny movies
D. Meditation
Breathe in for 8 counts, completely filling your lungs. Hold your breath for 4 counts. Exhale for 8 counts completely emptying your lungs, while pushing your belly button into your spine with your exhale. Repeat this 12 times, 3x per day.

Dementia websites;,

Liz Perry

Liz Perry – Your Health & Wellness Magazine Contributor

About the author, Liz Perry is a Treasure Coast Florida resident who is a Harvard Alumnus. Liz currently is a medical journalist, speaker and educator on disease prevention, national healthcare consultant with over two decades in the medical field.
Liz Gibbs (Perry), is a senior partner in Absolute Solutions International, Inc.
Please feel free to contact Liz with your questions or comments at

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information. is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentists and alternative, organic & holistic health, fitness and sports professionals in Martin County Florida, the Palm Beaches and the Treasure Coast. “Healthy Martin, working together for better health choices for you, your family and friends”.

The Comfort of Recovering at Home for Seniors

BY Lee Borellis

Seniors may be able to recover from pneumonia in the comfort of their own home. Below are some guidelines to follow when recovering:

1.Rest as much as possible.

2.It is recommended to drink a lot of fluids which help in preventing dehydration. Some of the main symptoms of dehydration are dry mouth and eyes, producing very little urine, or feeling weak. Mild dehydration can be dealt with at home, while the more severe cases require medical help.

3.One of the main symptoms of pneumonia is heavy breathing and coughing. It may become hard to rest because of the coughing, but it’s prudent to remember coughing is a body`s natural way to fight off the infection. That is why it is important not to stop it unless it causes severe problems with breathing.

4.In order to prevent high fever, the doctor or nurse may recommend your senior taking acetaminophen or aspirin. Make sure your elderly loved one is safe taking medications and always read instructions before taking. When in doubt, call the doctor or check with the pharmacist.

home health care palm city fl

Home Health Care

After the pneumonia diagnosis, seniors must visit the doctor`s office on a regular basis for weekly checkups. This way, the doctor can determine whether the treatment is working and if not, they can change the medications accordingly. If your loved one experiences fever, shortness of breath, or his or her cough is getting worse, the doctor should be contacted immediately. Use precautions before giving any over the counter medications. Remember, always follow the directives of his or her doctor.

A home health care nurse can help your loved one recover from pneumonia in the comfort of his or her own home. Being able to be surrounded by her familiar environment and be closer to friends and relatives will be a positive factor in the recovery process.

About the author; Lee Borellis is founder and CEO of Treasure Coast Home Health Care Lic.# NR 30211569. A Treasure Coast Florida licensed, bonded and insured home health care company with certified nursing assistants, licensed & state certified and CPR-certified staff. Lee, his wife Bonnie or any of his staff would be happy to have you stop in or call with your questions or to learn more about their home care services, 772-678-3324.

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information. is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentists and alternative, organic & holistic health professionals in the Treasure Coast Florida areas of Martin County, Palm Beach County, Saint Lucie County and Indian River County. “Healthy Martin, working together for health choices for you, your family and friends”.

Health Recipe – Immune Zoom Smoothie Drink

BY Rebecca White-Martin, a Your Health & Wellness Magazine contributor:

1) Halve the mango, cutting on one side of the pit. Scoop the flesh from the skin and roughly chop up. Put in a blender or food processor.

2) Peel, core, and roughly chop up the apple. Put in blender and process with the mango until smooth.

3 ) Halve the passion fruit and scoop the pulp into the previously blended puree. Add the orange juice and echinacea, and blend.

4) If you want to thin with a little mineral water, add that as well, and pour over ice.
Ingredients: (should make about two average size 8 oz. glasses)

Health Recipe - Immune Zoom Smoothie Drink

Immune Zoom Smoothie

1) 1 small mango
2) 1 eating apple
3) 2 passion fruit
4) juice of one orange
5) 1 teaspoon echinacea powder
6) mineral water to thin or ice cubes optional

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information. is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentists and alternative, organic & holistic health, fitness and sports professionals in the Treasure Coast Florida areas of Martin County, Palm Beach County, Saint Lucie County and Indian River County. “Healthy Martin, working together for health choices for you, your family and friends”.

Best Times To Drink Water?

BY Scott Walker
I asked my Doctor why people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor – Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc.) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!

I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me. Correct time to drink water…
Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:
water glass and bottle
2 glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs
1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed – avoids stroke or heart attack
I can also add to this… My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.

General rule of thumb is to drink at least two quarts or half gallon of fresh water daily. Active persons operating in high heat should have more water intake.

Scott Walker

Scott Walker, Jr. – Liquid Nutrition Representative

About the author, Scott Walker, Jr. is a Virginia native and is now semi-retired living in Stuart Florida. Scott is the local Life-Force Liquid Nutrition Representative. Scott bicycles, swims and walks every day to help maintain his 22.3 body mass index ( BMI ). Your body mass index can be measured by multiplying 702 x your weight in pounds divided by your height in inches squared. Please feel free to contact Scott with your liquid nutrition questions at email or phone 757-678-3970.

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information. is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentists and alternative, organic & holistic health, fitness and sports professionals in Martin County Florida, the Palm Beaches and the Treasure Coast. “Healthy Martin, working together for better health choices for you, your family and friends”.

Herbs and Supplements to Help Survive Winter and Begin Spring

BY Raven Caracci
The holiday season is over and that holiday cheer has disappeared, the pounds of holiday meals won’t. During the cooler and colder months people have a tendency to eat more.
You are reading this and are probably a bit annoyed that I reminded you of the inevitable truth of what is. But what if I said there were ways to keep that slim figure of yours and still be allowed some self indulgence? I remember last year, I wrote a paper on New Year detoxing. It was a very descriptive article on how to combat the damage done during the Holidays. This year, instead of trying to fix it, I would rather give you the information to prevent it from occurring altogether. Certain herbs, supplements and a bit of self control would be helpful to have on hand this upcoming season.

Herbs to rememberherbs

Cinnamon This great spice is an excellent seasoning to add to your eggnog, your yams, ice cream, apple pie, pumpkin pie, and all those goodies bound to show up on the dinner table. By adding cinnamon to a meal, you can help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Cumin The seeds of this herb can help with digestion. It has been shown to reduce pancreatic inflammation and, by motivating the body to produce pancreatic enzymes, it can help with nutrient assimilation and proper absorption of foods. There have also been studies of this spice reducing blood glucose levels better than other comparable drugs.

Cardamom Not only does it taste amazing, but it can help control your appetite. Instead of binging on your meals, you will feel satisfied a lot sooner. You end up eating less and feeling better at the end of the night.

Supplements to keep on Handsupplements

Enzymes These are essential for the holiday binging. These bad boys help you digest and assimilate all of your food in all the proper places. So while you pig out, the enzymes work like an assembly line to keep that food digesting and not sitting in your stomach. Be sure to find an enzyme supplement with Pancreatin, Amylase, Protease, Casein and Lipase. These particular ones work well for indulgent foods. For instance, Casein is an enzyme beneficial for glutinous foods; and Protease metabolizes proteins.

Probiotics Probiotics go hand in hand with enzymes. They work together to create better digestion and a healthier gut. This good bacteria will work to push out the bad bacteria overloading the body, and replace with good immune enhancing bacteria that protects and heals the body.

Garcinia Cambogia Keeping slim will come a lot easier with this close by. Garcinia Cambogia has a specific ingredient in it called Hydroxycitric Acid. In certain studies, HCA was shown to inhibit the enzyme “Citrate Lyase” which produces fat cells. This is a metabolism booster, appetite controller, and energy booster all in one. Find a good brand from a local health food store, and make sure to follow the directions strictly.

Self Control Understanding the consequences of the holiday and cooler season will better help keep people in control of their diets and attitudes during this season. Although it would be wonderful to dive full force into the abyss of delicious treats and four-course meals, it would be unwise. Tread with caution and try to make good decisions when it comes to what is put on your plate and filled in your glass.
Over all, the most dependable way to overcome holiday feasts is to have self control. It is good to enjoy the season’s festivities and give in every once in awhile, but our health matters most. Be careful of the pie crusts, steer clear from the cranberry sauce, and only have eggnog every other week. Cheers to you and your self-discipline.

Raven Caracci - Holistic Health Author

Raven Caracci – Your Health & Wellness Magazine Contributor

About the author; Raven Caracci is a Treasure Coast Florida resident and has been involved in the health industry promoting the use of alternative, organic and holistic health for years. She has advised hundreds of people on the use of herbal remedies as alternatives to conventional medicine. Her goal and passion is to help others live a healthier and more natural lifestyle.

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information. is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentists and alternative, organic, holistic health, fitness and sports professionals in Martin County Florida, the Palm Beaches and the Treasure Coast. “Healthy Martin, working together for health choices for you, your family and friends”.