Urgent Care Medicine of Palm City

Urgent Care Walk-in Centers in Palm City FL

NO Urgent Care Medicine found in Palm City

Closest nearest Urgent Care Medicine is in Stuart (CLICK HERE)

What is Palm City FL Urgent Care Medicine

Palm City FL Urgent Care Centers are primarily used to treat patients who have non-emergency injury or illness that requires immediate care but is not serious enough to warrant a visit to an emergency room or department of a hospital.

Urgent Care Medicine Centers provide walk-in, extended hour access for acute illness and injury care that is either beyond the scope or availability of the typical primary care practice or retail clinic.

The ability of an urgent care center to provide immediate care for acute, non-life threatening illness and injury is a critical component of Palm City’s health system. Cooperation between patients, primary physicians, emergency departments and urgent care providers can create a network of care options that puts the patient in the right hands at the right time for the right level of care.