Read and view pictures on how I juice and drink my harvested (cut) wheatgrass.
How To Grow WheatGrass – Growing Instructions
WheatGrass Health Benefits
Harvesting and Storing Wheatgrass
Juicing and Drinking Wheatgrass
High humidity during the growth cycle may cause mold to grow at the base of your wheatgrass. If mold does appear rinse your wheatgrass thoroughly preferably with filtered water before juicing or consuming raw wheatgrass.
Drinking Your Wheatgrass Juice

wheatgrass juice with coconut water added in pictured above
I will try and consume at least one to two of ounces wheatgrass per day. When I’m trying to recover or clean out my system I will consume at least two ounces of juiced wheatgrass in the morning and at least two ounces in the afternoon. I try and not eat two hours before drinking wheatgrass juice and not to eat for one hour after drinking wheatgrass juice. This two hour time before consumption allows the digestive system to clean out so the wheatgrass juice can be easily absorbed into the digestive tract.
How Long Does Juiced Wheatgrass Last ?
In this busy world we live in it is not always practical to exactly follow the above wheatgrass drinking suggestions therefore do the best you can to obtain your optimal wheatgrass juicing situation.
Cleaning Your Wheatgrass Juicer
I clean my washable juicer parts after each use with warm or cold water. Once a month I soak the washable parts overnight in a mild dish detergent and then rinse thoroughly.