I’m originally from New York State. In the 90s I moved to Newport Beach California to work in the Orange County Area.
While in California I took advantage of the many readily available California cutting edge medical, holistic and organic health alternatives.
“After relocating to Florida I needed to find various health, medical, organic and holistic products and services in the Palm Beach County / Martin County / Treasure Coast Area. We looked on the Internet and through print mediums. Over time I found a nice selection of medical and health alternatives in the Martin County / Palm Beach, County Florida Area. The problem we found was that there was not one source that listed all the wonderful health and medical choices in this beautiful Florida Area. Together with senior contributor Rebecca White-Martin, we put together the website that you are now viewing, called HealthyMartin.com, to help people in the Treasure Coast locate medical doctors, dentist, holistic health alternatives, sports and fitness professionals “.
ALSO; “We launched Your Health & Wellness Magazine.
Note; the hard copy paper version is no longer published.

Anthony in Burbank California
“Please feel free to use this website to look for doctors, dentists and alternative health information, products, services and meetings. If you have a healthy meeting or healthy business that you feel should be listed on this website please feel free to contact us.”
Thanks for taking the time to view this website.
“HealthyMartin.com and Your Health & Wellness Magazine – working together for better health choices for you, your family and friends.”