Easy Sexy Raw – Book Review

I recommend the below health book, Easy Sexy Raw, which may help improve a person’s life and health.

Easy Sexy Raw

This book written by Carol Alt is a must read. Nearly twenty years ago, thanks to a raw food diet, Carol Alt cured a world of headaches, stomach issues, and fatigue and became healthier, more energetic and slimmer than she has ever been. In Easy Sexy Raw Carol shares how anyone can experience the benefits of the uncooked lifestyle.

Carol takes all the intimidation out of going raw. She provides straightforward advice, easy tips and 130 super-simple and delicious recipes that will make the transition a snap. She provides readers with useful tools – such as a swapping list of raw substitutes for favorite cooked items and a “Turn It Raw” section that shows you how to gradually convert favorite dishes to raw (even chocolate chip cookies). These tools will help both new and seasoned raw eaters to build a recipe repertoire. And the dishes, including contributions by raw food authorities and chefs like Ani Phyo, Sarma Melngalis, and Raw Chef Dan, are tasty and filling – even for those who are just trying out raw for the first time.

In summary, this book, Easy Sexy Raw is a great resource providing you with 130 Raw Food Recipes, Tools and Tips to Make You Feel Gorgeous and Satisfied.