The Ion Cleanse® provides the most thorough and efficient way to cleanse and purify the body – more effectively and faster than any herbal or fasting protocols.
Why Detoxify?
When it comes to exposure to toxins, the body cannot metabolize most of the poisons it is exposed to. Most of these toxins remain in the body for many years, stored in the fat cells that exist throughout the body.
You do not have to be near a belching factory chimney to be exposed to dangerous toxins. They proliferate in our home environment and can appear as innocuous as an infant’s plastic baby bottle or the antibacterial soap meant to keep us safe from germs. BPA, an ingredient in many plastics, and triclosan, found in antibacterial soaps and toothpastes are both suspected hormone disruptors. Flame retardants are another class of petrochemical derivative that are also a hormone disruptor, is found in furniture, toys, carpet, and electronics. Most chemicals used in the environment and in our homes have never been tested for safety. This includes those found in cleaning supplies, pesticides and even cosmetics. Many times it is only after the fact – when a chemical has been used extensively – that it is ultimately proven unsafe – as was the case with lead, asbestos and most recently, petrochemicals such as BPA and other suspected hormone disruptors.
How Toxic Are We?
The CDC released a 2013 report with updated tables on the levels of 117 (of the 212 reported on in 2009) synthetic chemicals found in our bodies, also adding tables for 34 new chemicals. A recent government study found traceable levels of BPA in 93 percent of participants. High levels of flame retardants have been found in the breast milk of women across the country; Americans have the highest levels of flame retardants in their bodies in the world. And, the new factor in the equation of toxicity is the discovery that toxic substances may have harmful, even their most harmful, effects at very low levels. In a way this makes logical sense; synthetic chemicals are very powerful – think of how a small prescription pill can effect substantial changes in the body. Added to this toxic burden are the deleterious effects of GMO foods. Lastly, no research seems to have explored possible interactions of all of these chemicals in our bodies.
How Does Toxicity Affect the Body?
Different toxins do different damage. For example, hormone disruptors interfere with our body’s endocrine systems and with any of the functions they regulate – including metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sleep and mood. Women with higher levels of flame retardants in their blood take longer to get pregnant and have smaller babies. Another area of toxicity to consider is the toxicity that comes from stress. Stress and the toxic or negative emotions associated with it have been linked as a causal or aggravating factor in just about every disease condition.
Statistics reflect the growing problem of our toxic burden:
• 59% decrease in male sperm count since 1940
• 400% increase in heart disease since 1900
• More than 95% of cancer is caused by environmental toxicity and diet (Source – Columbia University School of Public Health reports)
• 250% increase in breast cancer since 1980
• 1600% increase in birth defects since 1980
• 500 % increase in cancer mortality since 1900
• The average city water contains more than 500 chemicals(Source – USA Today)
Multiple studies show that most of us have between 300-800 chemical residues stored in the fat cells of our bodies.
• Pesticide residues are detectable in 50-95% of the food consumed in the U.S.
• The EPA approves about 90 percent of the new compounds without restrictions.
• Only a quarter of the 82,000 chemicals in use in the U.S. have ever been tested for toxicity
• Multiple studies show that most of us have between 400-800 chemical residues stored in the fat cells of our bodies
• Pesticide residues are detectable in 50-95% of the food consumed in the U.S.
Toxins damage cells, disrupt our endocrine systems, and impair the body’s ability to absorb nutrients and heal itself. When it comes to exposure to toxins, the body cannot metabolize most of the poisons it is exposed to. Most of these toxins remain in the body for many years, stored in the fat cells that exist throughout the body.
Systems of the body affected by toxins:
The immune system causing an increased tendency to allergies and recurrent respiratory (nose, sinus or lung) or ear infections.
Detoxification as Part of a Healthful Lifestyle
The first and most obvious step in creating a healthier lifestyle is to minimize your exposure to all synthetic chemicals. It can be difficult to know what is toxic; a substance or level of a substance considered safe at one time is then proven unsafe at a future date. Also, remember most chemicals in our environment have never been tested for safety in the first place. Some form of relaxation practice is recommended by experts to reduce the toxic effects of chronic stress. Given that the elimination of all toxins is not practical, regular detoxification would be integral to any healthful life.
The Ion Cleanse® has been documented to remove heavy metals, urea, creatinine, glucose, and other harmful toxins.
The particles, fat, and mucous residues found in the water after bathing reflect the wastes that have left the body during the 45 minute session.
Your body will feel lighter after the first session. You will think more clearly, have more energy and enjoy a greater sense of well-being. Your body will thank you!
About the author, Donna LaClare, since 2001 has been helping people and their pets live more productive lives through nutrition and natural health care practices. Donna encourages you to contact her with your holistic questions and about Ion Cleanse Foot Bath at Holistic Alternatives, 772-463-7669 OR
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