What is the Difference Between a DDS and a DMD?

Dentists in Florida either have the initials DMD or DDS after their name. A lot of people wonder what the difference is between the two. But the truth is that the only major difference is in the name: The dental degree and the education are basically the same. DMD stands for Doctor of Dental Medicine and DDS stands for Doctor of Dental Surgery. Some dental schools award the DMD degree while others award the DDS degree.

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information.
Healthy Martin is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentist and alternative, organic & holistic health in Martin County Florida. “Healthy Martin, working together for healthy choices for you, your family and friends”.

The Health Choice is Up To You?

The drug industry is constantly trying to convince you that drugs are good for your health. This same line of nonsense is repeated by the FDA when it goes out of it’s way to censor the truth about the healing properties of natural foods like walnuts, cherries and berries and wheatgrass etc.

The drug industry and the FDA through their advertisements show happy, healthy people taking pharmaceuticals, in the real world, people who take their drugs are extremely unhealthy, depressed and highly toxic.

But don’t take my word for it: Check out the people walking in and out of pharmacies versus the people who visit health food stores:

• Most people who visit pharmacies tend to have toxic livers, poor kidney function (because drugs damage the kidneys), wild mood swings, terrible digestion and elimination capabilities, poor skin health, poor posture, low energy, sleep disorders and sexual dysfunction. They tend to be suicidal while living in chronic pain. They have huge medical expenses that often send them into bankruptcy.

Natural Health Choice• Most people who visit health food stores tend to have healthy skin, happier outlooks, better energy, better sex lives, healthy sleep, healthy hearts, healthy liver function and greatly improved brain function. They are more creative, adaptable and optimistic, and they tend to enjoy their lives. They spend relatively little on health care expenses while investing their money in organic foods, green products, medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements.

The healthy choices are up to you!

Which group would you prefer to join?

You can choose either one by deciding what to put in or on your body. If you can choose to contaminate your body with pharmaceuticals and medications and processed foods and you will experience increased liver and kidney toxicity, reduced cognitive function and skin health problems.


You can choose to nourish your body with superfoods, organic products, healing herbs and nutritional supplements and experience a more healthful and joyful life with improved brain function and memory, healthy skin, stable moods, abundant energy, restful sleep and healthy fertility, among other benefits.

Healing foods, herbs and supplements make many pharmaceuticals obsolete.

What the drug industry and the FDA absolutely do NOT want you to learn is that healing foods, herbs and supplements make virtually all pharmaceuticals obsolete. If you really knew the truth about what these items can do to protect your health and cure degenerative disease, you’d probably never take another chemical pill in your life. That’s why the FDA works so hard to censor nutritional supplements and make sure they can’t make truthful, scientifically-validated claims on their labels.

The FDA has even gone after healing foods. The scientific literature says conclusively that walnuts lower high cholesterol. It’s the natural result of eating the healthy plant-based oils in the walnuts. The FDA, however, has threatened walnut companies with fines and imprisonment for merely linking to scientific studies that describe the health benefits of walnuts.

This is how the FDA keeps people in the dark and achieves its agenda of censoring the truth about foods and supplements while promoting toxic pharmaceuticals that keep the drug companies in business.

Change your life decisions and you’ll change your health

Martin County Health Food and NutritionIt’s up to you to determine how the rest of your life will be experienced. If you continue to find yourself standing in line at the local pharmacy, or if you look in your medicine cabinet and notice a half-dozen prescriptions, let that be a wake-up call. These drugs will never give you health or happiness. They will never create the life you’re truly looking for.
Instead, take a walk to the other side of the street. Walk into a health food store. Ask the friendly staff how to get started with healthy living. These people are incredibly helpful, by the way, so don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Spend your money at the health food store instead of the pharmacy and your entire life will improve as a result. As you improve your physical health, your brain health will get better, too, and you’ll notice life getting better in many ways: Improved relationships, enhanced career (because having a healthy mind improves your job performance, too!), improved self image, increased stamina and much more.

You’ll sleep better, eat better, think better, poop better and feel better. Everything your body is supposed to do naturally will simply work better as you align yourself with the natural laws of health and nutrition. You can embrace those laws by visiting practically any health food store and taking advantage of the remarkable health-enhancing products they carry.

So find your local health food store and give them a visit! Remember, you vote with your dollars — both in terms of what industries you support as well as what health outcome you will create. If you invest your dollars in natural health products, you will get a naturally healthier result. CLICK HERE. to find a local health food store.

What is a Doctor of Osteopathic medicine or a D.O.?

doctor of osteopathic

Doctor of Osteopathic or D.O.

Osteopathic medicine is practiced by D.O.s in the United States. Osteopathic medicine was developed in 1874 by Dr. A.T. Still who stated, “Any variation from health has a cause, and the cause has a location. It is the business of the osteopathic physician to locate and doing away with the disease and getting healthy.” He believed that many medications (at that time) were useless and even harmful. He identified the musculoskeletal system as a key component for good health.

Like allopathic physicians (or M.D.s), osteopathic physicians complete 4 years of medical school and can choose to practice in any specialty of medicine. However, osteopathic physicians receive an additional 300 – 500 hours in the study of hands-on manual medicine and the body’s musculoskeletal system.

Osteopathic medicine is dedicated to treating and healing the patient as a whole, rather than focusing on one system or body part. An osteopathic physician will often use a treatment method called osteopathic manipulative treatment (also called OMT or manipulation) — a hands-on approach to make sure that the body is moving freely. This free motion ensures that all of your body’s natural healing systems are able to work properly.

Osteopathic physicians hold to the principle that a patient’s history of illness and physical trauma are written into the body’s structure. The osteopathic physician’s highly developed sense of touch allows the physician to feel (palpate) the patient’s “living anatomy” (the flow of fluids, motion and texture of tissues, and structural makeup).

Like M.D.s, osteopathic physicians are licensed at the state level. Osteopathic physicians who wish to specialize may become “board certified” (in much the same manner as M.D.s) by completing a 2- to 6-year residency within the specialty area and passing the board certification exams.

D.O.s practice in all specialties of medicine, ranging from emergency medicine and cardiovascular surgery to psychiatry and geriatrics. A majority of osteopathic doctors use many of the medical and surgical treatments that are used by other medical doctors.

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information.
Healthy Martin is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentist and alternative, organic & holistic health in Martin County Florida. “Healthy Martin, working together for healthy choices for you, your family and friends”.

Supplements Exposed, Book Review

I recommend the below health book, Supplements Exposed, which may help improve a person’s life and health.

A must read is the book Supplements Exposed written by nutrition expert Dr. Brian Clement whereby he explores the various myths that have made supplements a “buyer beware” industry. Supplements Exposed strips away layers of deception to reveal the truth about what millions of supplement users have taken for granted.

This book guides you through the many choices you face every time you buy vitamins and minerals. It instructs you on how to decipher product labels that are otherwise deceptive. It shows you how to choose naturally occurring (plant-derived) supplements.

In summary, this book, Supplements Exposed reveals the truth they don’t want you to know about vitamins, minerals and their effects on your health.

“Proper supplements heal and synthetics hurt.”

Do You Need a Health Coach?

Why a Health Coach

Why a Health Coach ?

Do you need a health consultant / coach? You may make that decision by asking yourself the following questions:

* Do you or members of your family have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, AIDS, or some other chronic illness.

*Are you dissatisfied with standard medical treatment plans or the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs?

* Do you often feel ill with no specific diagnosis?

* Do you believe that you been exposed to toxic chemicals or to a highly polluted environment at work, at home, or in your community?

* Are you currently healthy and seeking to maintain your health?

* Are you an employer concerned about rising health costs and absenteeism?

* Are you interested in alternative healing and disease prevention?

* Are you searching for something beyond pharmaceutical medicine and surgery?

* Do you experience frustration with the fragmented treatment that often seems to be characteristic of mainstream health care?

* Are you baffled by the many options for natural or alternative therapies, both legitimate and questionable?

If you responded yes to any of these questions, it is likely that you would find the services provided by a natural health consultant / coach to be helpful.

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information.
Healthy Martin is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentist and alternative, organic & holistic health in Martin County Florida. “Healthy Martin, working together for healthy choices for you, your family and friends”.

GMO’s and Your Health Concerns

What is GMO
GMO (genetically modified organism) means the genetic material of these foods has been altered by inserting foreign DNA from other plants or animals, even chemical pesticides. The GMO process drastically changes the plant or animal genome from what nature intended into a large-scale biotech experiment. The problem is that we know very little at best about the long-term effects of GMO foods on human and animal health, farming and the general environment.

GMO government regulation
In the U.S., GMOs don’t have to be labeled on packaging. This keeps consumers unaware of their increasing presence in the grocery aisle. But this November, California voters may make USA history with the first mandatory GMO labeling initiative, Proposition 37. If passed, the law will require the labeling of all GMO foods sold to consumers in California. The European Union, Australia, Japan, Russia, the Czech Republic and South Korea have already adopted such measures.

Possibel GMO Dangers
A growing number of independently published in vivo studies have analyzed the effects of feeding GMO foods to animals — mainly corn and soy — over the course of their lives. Results are extremely concerning and indicate:

GMO genetically modified organisms

GMO, Genetically Modified Organisms

Reduced fertility
Immune dysfunction
Organ damage
Accelerated aging
Major changes in gastrointestinal system and other organs
Low birth weight
Other severe problems

These health effects merely scratch the surface of exposing possible GMO risks. Other crucial considerations include the potential for stronger antibiotic and drug-resistant bacteria to emerge, the need for heavier pesticides in the future and ongoing biological contamination of the environment with invasive plant species that can’t be controlled.

In the face of the dangers of GMOs, there are ways to help protect yourself. Here are my top recommendations for supporting your health in the face of GMO exposure:

Choose organic: An organic certification isn’t a completely failsafe protection, but choosing organic, non-GMO foods may reduce your exposure dramatically.

Support Digestion: Some in vivo GMO studies show that GMO foods change the gastrointestinal lining, causing increased cell proliferation, which can be a precursor to cancer. Reduced digestive enzymes were also noted, as well as increased allergies to non-GMO foods.

There are some effective ways to protect digestion with probiotic and prebiotic supplements; the minerals zinc and chromium; digestive enzymes such as amylase, protease and lipase; and herbs such as cinnamon, cardamom, pomegranate, ginger, lesser galangal with other digestive herbs. These ingredients improve digestive function, protect against harmful toxins and bacteria, help reduce inflammation and food allergies, and support the lining of the digestive tract. I recommend an integrative digestive formula containing these herbs and other ingredients for digestive health and protection. I also recommend taking a potent probiotic and prebiotic supplement.

Boost immunity: Immune system issues (and allergies) seem to be some of the first noticeable problems caused by GMO foods. There are a variety of ways to train immunity to better respond to allergens, microbes and foreign invaders. Medicinal mushrooms are excellent choices because they help to train immune cells to function better. They also reduce inflammation, help detoxify the body, support digestion and protect against cancer.

Protect DNA with antioxidants: Antioxidants are critical allies in protecting against DNA damage, repairing cells, reducing inflammation and fighting against abnormal cellular growth. Top antioxidant sources include vitamins A, C, E, Selenium, Glutathione, CoQ10, resveratrol, alpha lipoic acid, honokiol, sea buckthorn and others.

Protect organs and tissues with Modified Citrus Pectin: Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) regulates inflammation and fibrosis-related organ damage. It has also been proven in multiple studies to fight cancer growth and metastasis, reduce heavy metals and boost immunity. Because GMO foods are demonstrated to cause mutations related to abnormal cellular growth, organ damage and cancer, MCP is a valuable agent in helping to prevent these changes. And because it is also a powerful immune booster and helps detoxify the body, MCP may prove critical in protecting against GMOs.

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information.
Healthy Martin is designed to assist you in finding medical doctors, dentist and alternative, organic & holistic health in Martin County Florida. “Healthy Martin, working together for healthy choices for you, your family and friends”.

Dementia, The New Junk Food Danger?

Not only does junk food make you fat, but it could cause dementia. New research shows that our calorie-laden diet boosts risk for dementia, a memory-robbing disorder some experts now call “type 3 diabetes.”

“Americans are literally eating a ‘diabetes diet’ that’s very toxic to the brain and other vital organs,” says Dr. Joel Zonszein, medical director of the diabetes clinic at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. “And the one of the most terrible complications—brain damage—is occurring in younger and younger patients.”

In fact, a shocking new study reports that teenagers who eat a diet that’s high in fat and calories already show “accelerated cognitive decline.” The researchers blame rising rates of dementia on our increasingly unhealthy eating habits and couch potato lifestyle.

CLICK HERE to find out more…

I hope the above health information has been of help to you.

CLICK HERE to view LifeForce for Natural Nutrition and Arbonne for Healthy Natural Skin, Beauty Products and Weight Management Solutions that are botanically based and inspired by nature and are vegan certified.

Healthy Martin is designed to assist you in finding the best medical health, medicine, doctors, dentist and alternative, organic & holistic health in Martin County Florida. “Working together for better health choices for you, your family and friends.”

Back Pain and Spine Problems ?

back and spine pain problems

Do you suffer with back and spine pain problems?

Sometimes when accidents, trauma or neglect happens surgery may be one of the main options to be considered when back and spine pain is involved.

On Saturday we had the opportunity to meet three back and spine specialist from the Back and Spine Center at Martin Memorial. The doctors, John K.B. Afshar, M.D., John R Robinson, Jr., M.D. and John J. Viola, M.D. seemed very knowledgeable about the back and spine and presented themselves as very patient friendly.

Diagnosing Back and Spine Problems

The doctors’ explained that one of the keys to relieving your pain faster is diagnosing its cause early as possible. Your diagnosis can be coordinated through one of Martin Health’s 5 convenient Imaging Centers in the Martin County Area. Each center has state-of-the-art MRIs, PET/CT scanners, bone densitometry and X-rays that immediately produce clear digital images that are transmitted electronically to the Back and Spine Center for analysis.

Doctors in Martin County“That’s why you can get an appointment with a neurosurgeon at the Back and Spine Center within 24 to 48 hours of your tests”. You can even see a physicians assistant the same day. They can also partner with pain management and chiropractic specialists to help you relieve and control discomfort.

Non-Surgical Back and Spine Alternatives

The doctors mentioned that neurosurgery isn’t always the only answer for back and spine patients. That’s why a wide range of non-surgical treatment options are available and considered. At Back and and Spine Center at Martin Memorial a dedicated physical therapist can develop a customized treatment plan for you.
A holistic approach can be developed for you that may include proper nutrition, exercise, weight management, acupuncture and therapeutic massage.

Preventative Back and Spine Care

Prevent Back Pain in Martin County
Preventative care may start with proper use of posture, exercise, proper weight management and limiting your exposure to strains and blunt trauma. Contact your health care provider for specific instructions. And as always proper nutrition is the best foundation to better health.

The above information is opinion based except where noted. Always contact a licensed professional for information on the above subject or BEFORE applying or practicing the above information.

CLICK HERE to view Chiropractors of Palm Beach County, Martin County, St Lucie County and Indian River County Florida.

Healthy Martin website is designed to assist persons and organizations for natural health, alternative health, holistic health in Martin County – Stuart, Palm City, Jensen Beach, Hobe Sound, in Palm Beach County – Jupiter FL, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, West Palm Beach, the Palm Beaches and the Treasure Coast of Florida to find healthy alternatives. We encourage health organizations and alternative health businesses to use this website to help promote natural, holistic, organic and alternative health lifestyle choices to America.

For Summer Brides and All Women Who Want to Look and Feel Beautiful !

Holistic Tips To Looking Your Best:

You are only as pretty as you feel. The secret to “true beauty” is to work from the inside out, as well as the outside in.
It is important to reduce exposure to toxins of all sorts, including stress, and watching what we put in the body, as well as what we put on it.
This is what your skin needs to look its best. Follow these basic necessities for a natural skincare routine:
Cleansing (morning and night for oily skin, just at bed time for dry skin) and moisturizing (all skin types) are the basics of daily skincare. Soaps are generally too harsh and drying for facial skin. Use a non-soap cleanser instead, preferably one that is pH balanced.
Oily skin will need a toner after washing to control oil secretion, and then a moisturizer, while dry skin can go straight to the moisturizer.
The next step is to use a facial mask which deep cleans, nourishes and revitalizes skin. Look for products with fruit-derived exfoliates. The facial mask should contain plant-based ingredients.
There are several good skin care products on the market today. The products I love and use are the Arbonne RE9 Advanced Facial Cleanser, Toner, Restorative Day Cream SPF 20, Night Repair Cream and Cellular Renewal Masque. Like all the products on the Arbonne Line, the RE9 Advanced products are healthy, botanically (plant) based and safe.

Healthy Martin website is designed to assist persons and organizations for natural health, alternative health, holistic health in Martin County – Stuart, Palm City, Jensen Beach, Hobe Sound, in Palm Beach County – Jupiter FL, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, West Palm Beach, the Palm Beaches and the Treasure Coast of Florida to find healthy alternatives. We encourage health organizations and alternative health businesses to use this website to help promote natural, holistic, organic and alternative health lifestyle choices to America.

Brides – Feel and Look Fabulous For Your Special Day

bride health

Get fit for your big day!

How To Get Into The Best Shape Of Your Life For The Most Important Day Of Your Life !!!

Preparing for that long awaited walk down the aisle means addressing your weight and fitness goals. Remember, the foods you eat play a huge role in determining your level of health.

It is important to eat foods that are nutrient-dense. “Nutrient density describes the ratio of calories to the nutrition your body gets from consuming them.”

Your goal is to chose foods with the highest nutritional value. By eating nutrient-dense foods, you are giving your body what it needs and you eliminate food cravings. Food cravings are messages from your body telling you it is not getting sufficient nutrients.

Take action now and start with these two nutrition tips:

* Increase the raw fruits and vegetables you eat daily

* Reduce the number of processed foods you eat and replace them with the following:

* almonds, walnuts or cashews
* carrots or celery sticks
* apple, pear or orange
* raw food energy bar

This program is designed to give your body what it needs and go at your own pace.

For the best results it is useful to combine healthy eating with a fitness program. Most meet their bridal fitness goal in 8 to 12 weeks.

Healthy Martin website is designed to assist persons and organizations for natural health, alternative health, holistic health in Martin County – Stuart, Palm City, Jensen Beach, Hobe Sound, in Palm Beach County – Jupiter FL, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, West Palm Beach, the Palm Beaches and the Treasure Coast of Florida to find healthy alternatives. We encourage health organizations and alternative health businesses to use this website to help promote natural, holistic, organic and alternative health lifestyle choices to America.